The Secrets of the LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky: What You Need to Know About UFOs and ETs
LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky: A Controversial Book on Alien History and Manipulation
Have you ever wondered about the true origin of humanity and the galaxy? Have you ever questioned the official version of history and reality? Have you ever suspected that there are hidden forces behind the scenes that influence our destiny? If so, you might be interested in reading a book called LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky.
LA Transcript by robert morning sky
This book is one of the most controversial and hard-to-find books on alien history and manipulation. It claims to reveal the secrets of our past, present and future as told by an indigenous Native American researcher who claims to have received this information from an extraterrestrial source. In this article, we will explore what this book is about, who wrote it, what are its main claims and themes, how it compares with other alternative views on this topic, and what are some of the questions and challenges it raises.
The Terra Papers: The Origin Story of Humanity and the Galaxy
The LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky is based on a previous work by the same author called The Terra Papers. This is a series of documents that allegedly contain the origin story of humanity and the galaxy as told by a Star Warrior named Bek'Ti. According to Robert Morning Sky, he obtained these documents from Bek'Ti in 1969 when he was part of a group of Native American students who rescued him from a crashed UFO in Arizona.
The Terra Papers describe how the galaxy was created by a powerful being called the Queen of Orion who gave birth to many offspring who became rulers of different star systems. One of her sons was Anu, who inherited the throne of Orion. Another one was Khanus, who rebelled against his mother and created his own empire in Sirius. A third one was Enki, who was banished from Orion for his experiments with life forms.
The Terra Papers also narrate how a group of warriors from Orion, Sirius and other star systems formed a rebellion against the Queen and her tyranny. These warriors were called Star Warriors and they used a symbol of a winged disk to represent their alliance. They fought many battles against the Queen and her forces, but they were eventually defeated and scattered across the galaxy.
One of the planets where some of the Star Warriors escaped was Earth, which was then a lush and beautiful world. They found a primitive race of hominids living there, who were the result of Enki's genetic experiments. Enki, who was also known as Ea, had arrived on Earth earlier and had created various life forms using his own DNA and that of other animals. He had also created a hybrid race of humans who were more intelligent and capable than the original hominids.
The Terra Papers explain how Ea's brother, Enlil, who was also a son of Anu, followed him to Earth and wanted to take over the planet and its resources. Enlil was the leader of the Orion Empire, which had replaced the Queen's rule after her death. He was also in charge of a project called the Grand Experiment, which aimed to create a perfect race of beings that would serve the Orion Empire. Enlil saw Ea's creations as a threat to his plans and decided to destroy them.
The Terra Papers recount how Ea and Enlil fought many wars on Earth for control of the planet and its inhabitants. They also involved other factions and allies, such as Marduk, who was Ea's son and wanted to become the ruler of Earth, and Inanna, who was Enlil's granddaughter and wanted to marry Marduk. The wars caused great devastation and suffering on Earth, and also affected the orbit, climate and geology of the planet.
The LA Transcript: The Hidden Agenda of the Alien Controllers
The LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky is a continuation of the story told in the Terra Papers, but it focuses on the more recent events and developments that affect humanity and its future. It is based on a presentation that Robert Morning Sky gave at a conference in Los Angeles in 1996, where he revealed the hidden agenda of the alien controllers who have been manipulating human history and destiny for millennia.
The LA Transcript exposes how different groups of aliens have been influencing human affairs from behind the scenes, using various methods and technologies to manipulate, deceive, enslave and harvest humans. Some of these groups are:
The Orion Empire: The descendants of Anu and Enlil, who still rule over most of the galaxy from their base in Orion. They are also known as the Anunnaki, the Nephilim, the Elohim, the Watchers, or the Gods. They are the ones who created most of the religions, cultures, governments, wars, and catastrophes on Earth. They are also the ones who installed a system of control called the Matrix, which keeps humans in a state of ignorance, fear, and dependency.
The Sirian Alliance: The descendants of Khanus and his followers, who established their own empire in Sirius. They are also known as the Dogons, the Nommos, the Amphibians, or the Merfolk. They are the ones who taught humans about astronomy, mathematics, science, art, and spirituality. They are also the ones who helped humans survive some of the cataclysms caused by the Orion Empire.
The Galactic Federation: A coalition of various races from different star systems who oppose the Orion Empire and its tyranny. They are also known as the Ashtar Command, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, or the Angels. They are the ones who send messages of love, light, peace, and harmony to humans. They are also the ones who promise to rescue humans from the Orion Empire and its agents.
devices and create hybrids between humans and Zetas.
The Reptilians: A race of reptoid beings from Alpha Draconis who have been infiltrating human society for millennia. They are also known as the Dracos, the Lizards, or the Serpents. They are the ones who shape-shift into human form and occupy positions of power and influence in politics, business, media, religion, and entertainment. They are also the ones who feed on human energy, emotions, and blood.
The LA Transcript reveals how these alien groups have been working together or against each other to achieve their own agendas and interests. It also exposes how they have been using secret bases, treaties, abductions, implants, hybrids and mind control programs to manipulate humans and keep them unaware of their true nature and potential.
The LA Transcript also mentions some of the resistance movements and whistleblowers who have tried to expose the alien agenda and help humanity awaken and liberate itself from alien control. Some of these are:
The Star Warriors: The descendants of the original rebels who fought against the Queen of Orion and her offspring. They are also known as the Renegades, the Outcasts, or the Starseeds. They are the ones who incarnate on Earth as humans to help raise the vibration and consciousness of the planet. They are also the ones who have psychic abilities, spiritual gifts, and a strong connection to their star origins.
The Andromedans: A race of benevolent beings from Andromeda who have been observing and assisting humanity for a long time. They are also known as the Mentors, the Teachers, or the Guardians. They are the ones who communicate with humans through dreams, visions, telepathy, and channeling. They are also the ones who provide guidance, wisdom, and protection to humans.
The Secret Space Program: A covert program that involves advanced technologies and operations in space that are hidden from the public. It is also known as the Solar Warden, the Dark Fleet, or the Breakaway Civilization. It is the result of collaboration between some human factions and some alien groups. It involves exploration, colonization, warfare, and commerce in space. It also involves contact with other civilizations and races in the galaxy.
The Disclosure Project: A public initiative that aims to reveal the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrial life to the world. It is led by Dr. Steven Greer, a former emergency physician and ufologist. It involves testimonies from hundreds of witnesses who have had direct or indirect experience with UFOs and ETs. It also involves evidence from documents, photos, videos, and artifacts that support the existence of UFOs and ETs.
In this article, we have explored what the LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky is about, who wrote it, what are its main claims and themes, how it compares with other alternative views on this topic, and what are some of the questions and challenges it raises.
The LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky is a controversial book that claims to reveal the secrets of our past, present and future as told by an indigenous Native American researcher who claims to have received this information from an extraterrestrial source. It is based on a previous work by the same author called The Terra Papers, which allegedly contain the origin story of humanity and the galaxy as told by a Star Warrior named Bek'Ti.
The LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky exposes how different groups of aliens have been influencing human affairs from behind the scenes, using various methods and technologies to manipulate, deceive, enslave and harvest humans. It also mentions some of the resistance movements and whistleblowers who have tried to expose the alien agenda and help humanity awaken and liberate itself from alien control.
The LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky is one of the most controversial and hard-to-find books on alien history and manipulation. It challenges many of the assumptions and beliefs that we have about ourselves and our reality. It also invites us to do our own research, use our own discernment, and make our own choices about this topic.
Here are some of the frequently asked questions about the LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky:
Where can I find a copy of the LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky?
The LA Transcript by Robert Morning Sky is a very rare and elusive book. It was never officially published or distributed. It was only available as a spiral-bound manuscript that Robert Morning Sky sold at his conferences and workshops. It is also possible that some copies were leaked online or shared among his followers. However, it is very difficult to find a reliable and complete version of the book. Some websites claim to have the book, but they may be incomplete, inaccurate, or fraudulent.
Is Robert Morning Sky still alive and active?
Robert Morning Sky is still alive, but he is not very active in the public eye. He has been living a low-profile and secluded life for many years. He has not given any interviews or updates on his work or his whereabouts. He has also not released any new books or materials since the LA Transcript. Some people speculate that he may have been threatened, silenced, or discredited by the powers that be. Others suggest that he may have retired, moved on, or ascended to another dimension.
What is the connection between the Terra Papers and Star Wars?
The Terra Papers and Star Wars have some striking similarities and parallels. Some people believe that George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, was inspired by or had access to the Terra Papers when he wrote his epic saga. Some of the common elements between the Terra Papers and Star Wars are:
The Queen of Orion and her offspring are similar to the Sith Lords and their apprentices.
The Star Warriors and their rebellion are similar to the Jedi Knights and their resistance.
The winged disk symbol of the Star Warriors is similar to the Rebel Alliance logo.
The Orion Empire and its tyranny are similar to the Galactic Empire and its oppression.
The Sirian Alliance and its teachings are similar to the Old Republic and its values.
The Galactic Federation and its messages are similar to the New Republic and its hopes.
The Zeta Reticuli and their abductions are similar to the Kaminoans and their cloning.
The Reptilians and their infiltration are similar to the shape-shifting Clawdites and their espionage.
However, there is no definitive proof or confirmation that George Lucas was influenced by or knew about the Terra Papers. He may have come up with his own ideas independently or drawn from other sources of inspiration.
How can I protect myself from alien manipulation and interference?
There are different opinions and suggestions on how to protect oneself from alien manipulation and interference. Some of them are:
Be aware of the signs and symptoms of alien contact, such as missing time, strange dreams, physical marks, implants, etc.
Be skeptical of any messages or information that come from unknown or dubious sources, such as channelers, mediums, contactees, etc.
Be discerning of any offers or promises that sound too good to be true, such as salvation, ascension, enlightenment, etc.
Be vigilant of any actions or events that seem to serve a hidden agenda, such as wars, disasters, false flags, etc.
Be mindful of your thoughts, emotions, and energy levels, and avoid anything that lowers your vibration or weakens your aura.
Be confident in your own power, sovereignty, and free will, and do not give your consent or authority to anyone or anything that does not respect them.
Be connected to your higher self, your spirit guides, and your star family, and ask for their assistance and protection when needed.
However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution or guarantee for protection from alien manipulation and interference. Each person has to find their own way of dealing with this issue according to their own situation, experience, and intuition.
What can I do to help humanity free itself from alien control?
There are different opinions and suggestions on how to help humanity free itself from alien control. Some of them are:
Educate yourself and others about the truth of our history, reality, and potential as human beings.
Expose and oppose the lies, deception, corruption, and oppression of the alien controllers and their human collaborators.
and ETs to the public and demand accountability and transparency from the government and the military.
Empower and inspire yourself and others to awaken your latent abilities, express your true potential, and create your own reality.
Connect and cooperate with other like-minded people who share your vision and values for a better world.
Align and harmonize yourself with the natural laws and cycles of the universe and the Earth.
However, there is no single or simple solution or strategy for helping humanity free itself from alien control. Each person has to find their own way of contributing to this cause according to their own purpose, passion, and preference. 71b2f0854b